Have you had your first hot cross bun of the year yet? Like the first mince pie of the season, or the first of the Summer fruits, they taste all the sweeter for their limited appearance. I find this is one of my favourite aspects of living seasonally; I appreciate these things all the more for only being able to enjoy them for a few weeks or months. And yes, I know you can get them in a supermarket at other times, but it’s just not the same! If you’ve never made your own hot cross buns, I urge you to do so. There are few more satisfying things to make. It’s an Everything Looks Rosie tradition to share a new recipe each year, so without further ado – and while I perfect my sourdough hot cross buns to share with you soon – here’s my hot cross bun recipe round-up!
Chocolate and cardamom hot cross buns: spiced chocolate chip buns, topped with a cardamom glaze and signature crosses.
Vegan lemon and marzipan hot cross buns: zesty with lemon, rich with almond sweetness from the marzipan and studded with sultanas, delicious straight from the oven.
Earl grey and orange hot cross buns: aromatic Earl grey and traditional fruit and orange.
Chocolate and spice hot cross buns: traditional Easter fruit, spice and citrus with the other seasonal prerequisite – chocolate.
Hot cross bun loaf: this is going way back to 2015 and one of my first forays into hot cross bun baking. My bread making and photography skills have both improved considerably since!
And if you’re not a fan of the breaded variety, why not try these hot cross bun cheesecakes or hot cross apple scones for a twist on the traditional.
Have you made hot cross buns before?
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[…] chocolate!) you have in the cupboard. If you don’t have a sourdough starter then check out my recent round-up of hot cross bun recipes. To make the sourdough hot cross buns, you will […]